Mocktail Tokens

 Mocktail Tokens are MocktailSwap’s first semi-replaceable tokens.

About Mocktails

Mocktail Token is MocktailSwap’s first  semi-fungible token  . Mocktail Finance is an AMM protocol that combines multi-strategy yield optimization on the low cost / slip Binance Smart Chain (BSC) that also provides aggregation via vault compounding, borrowing, and yield gain for maximum returns.

MocktailSwap is a decentralized exchange solution on the Binance Smart Chain. We provide a platform to create a fully secure and fast decentralized token exchange system.

– The stable placement of your assets with little or no loss is not permanent

– Automatic results and optimally optimized

– Complete decentralization

– Fully governance-based MOK token economy

What’s so special about ERC1155?

According to Blockchain experts, Non-Fungible Tokens could revolutionize the future of blockchain. Do you really understand this concept and how do you go about using it? Let’s start talking about the basics and go over what makes NFT special and with a promising future.

Token Fungible dan Token Non Fungible

Comparability is important in the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency. This is desirable for any currency, traditional or digital, as most currencies aim to be interchangeable assets. Tokens can be exchanged for other tokens of the same value. For example, One US dollar currency can be changed to another US dollar currency without any difference for the user.

On the Ethereum network, there are popular patterns that have been determined by the community itself. Each standard is known as ERC which stands for Ethereum Request for Comments. It defines methods, technology, behavior for specific functions on Ethereum and is submitted for peer review.



ERC-1155 is the standard for contracts that manage a combination of commensurate tokens and non-exchangeable tokens.

As a result, the pattern avoids a lot of repetitive code circulating across multiple contracts in the Ethereum ecosystem and saves significant storage space and gas costs.

About the MocktailSwap project?

Mocktail Token is the first semi-fungible token from MocktailSwap. Mocktail Finance is an AMM protocol that combines multi-strategy yield optimization on the low cost / slip Binance Smart Chain (BSC) that also provides aggregation via vault compounding, borrowing, and yield gain for maximum returns.

MocktailSwap is a decentralized exchange solution on the Binance Smart Chain. We provide a platform to create a fully secure and fast decentralized token exchange system.

  • The stable placement of your assets with little or no loss is not permanent
  • Automatic results and optimally optimized
  • Complete Decentralization
  • The MOK token economy is fully governance-based

Mocktail Features

Mocktail is a platform that allows users to access a variety of decentralized financial features built into the binance smart chain. With Mocktail Finance, users can maximize their profits with a multi-yield strategy that optimizes the BSC. Or exchange tokens on the Mocktail Swap platform for a low fee. It is a new ethereum token standard and Dapp is built on top of the Binance Smart Chain.

Here are the Mocktail features:

1. Standard token ERC-1155:

Token Mocktail is based on the ERC-1155 standard Semi-Fungible Token which is built on top of the Binance Smart Chain. And it is the first ERC-1155 token built on top of the Binance Smart Chain.

2. Switch:

Mocktail allows users to exchange their tokens for other tokens for a low fee.

3. Farming:

Users can earn crypto by lending their tokens to others via smart contracts.

4. Liquidity:

Users can participate by becoming a liquidator and get rewards according to their participation.

5. Bet:

Allows users to stake their tokens and get rewards according to their participation.

How does it work?

MOCKTAIL is the world’s first ERC 1155 standard Semi-Fungible Token (SFT) on the Binance Smart Chain.

Mocktail Token is a semi-fungible token by Binance Smart Chain.

This is a new Ethereum token standard and a new type of dapp at Mocktail Finance! The ERC-1155 token standard provides a way to create one smart contract managing an almost unlimited number of tokens – technically, 2²⁵⁶ token types with up to 2²⁵⁶ copies each.

In addition, each token is semi-equivalent. Unlike ERC-721 non-fungible tokens (NFTs), each of which can only be owned by one address.

Semi-fungible means:

  • Each type of token can have multiple addresses
  • One address can have multiple copies of each token.


Initial Liquidity Pool (LP) for farming MOK tokens:

Prize multiplier:

  • MUG / BNB LP
  • BNB / MOK LP

Staking Pools

  • Bet on MOK to get new tokens.
  • You can remove your bet at any time.
  • Prizes are calculated per block.

Staking Pairs:

  • MUG Pool
  • BNB Pool
  • BUSD Pool
  • WBNB Pool

Private Selling

  • Block Start: Unannounced
  • Starting Time: 1 APR, 2021 17:00 UTC
  • End Time: 2 APR, 2021 17:00 UTC
  • Soft Cap: 500,000 MOK
  • Hard Hat: 1,500,000 MOK
  • Supply in Circulating: 0 MOK
  • Private Sales: 1,500,000 MOK
  • Min. Investment: 0.01 BNB
  • Max. Investment: 100 BNB

Initial Token Distribution:

  • 5% Tim
  • 7.5% Bounty & Marketing Campaign
  • 12.5% ​​Ecosystem
  • 75% Private Sales

Mining Token Distribution:

  • 25% Stake
  • 37.5% Burning
  • 37.5% Farming


Concept development timeline.

Revised Mocktail Sales Schedule


ERC-1155 is another Ethereum token standard native for 2018 which is proposed as a standard interface for handling different types of characters. ERC-1155 allows one smart agreement to control an unlimited supply of tokens. Additionally, Mocktail is a platform that adopts the ERC-1155 and extends the Binance smart chain. This made Mocktail the primary platform for building the ERC-1155 at BSC. Mocktail is not only an ERC-1155 token, but also a Dapp which is based on a smart financial chain. Gives customers the ability to access various decentralized monetary administrations more safely, quickly, and at low cost.

For More Information Click the Link Below:

Website: https: // ; Vichoo link: :;u=2579935


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